5 ways to change your mind and ultimately change your life:

“Failure will never overtake me when my determination to succeed is
strong enough.” Og Mandino

Throughout the day, our minds are constantly flooded with negative
thoughts, which in turn create negative feelings, which in turn creates
negative experiences. It’s truly critical to take hold of our thoughts
in order to reach the pinnacle of success. But, how?

Our subconscious mind is very powerful. It controls a lot of what we
think, do and experience in life. However, it is like a fertile garden,
it must be watered with good thoughts daily. When this happens
repeatedly, the subconscious mind slowly begins to believe the positive
new message and the older negative messages are pushed away. This,
however, takes consistent effort and dedication.

Watering our subconscious mind with powerful, positive messages empowers
us to take the right actions to avoid the downward spiral of negativity
which can draw failure.

In my book, Think Like A Winner, Act Like You Won, I remind readers how
powerful their thoughts are. This book is filled with success stories of
how people were determined to succeed in life by changing their

Ask yourself this question: What was the last thought I had? Was it
empowering or negative? Did it make me feel good or make me feel bad?
Did it lead me closer to fulfilling my dreams or make me want to give

By honestly answering these questions you will see your thought pattern
and how this thought pattern has led you to the place your are in your

Ready for a change? Determined to succeed? Here are 5 ways to change
your mind and ultimately change your life:

1. Ask powerful questions such as, “Why am I so successful? Why am I so
happy? Why am I so blessed and highly favored? Why am I always getting
promotions and increases? Why I always winning in life? Why am I
attracting the perfect career for my talents?
2. Gratitude. Write a list of all of the things that are going right in
your life and include all of the sound decisions you have made, the
positive opportunities that have come your way, and all of your
accomplishments big and small.
3. Do not curse yourself for bad mistakes or live in regret of your
choices. Choose instead to release the past, forgive yourself, and learn
from the experience.
4. Expect the best. Having a spirit of expectancy draws more good.
5. Stay in the present. This will help keep you focused on your goals
and dreams.

By applying these tips in your daily life you will soon have a great
sense of achievement and the feeling of winning in life.

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